Monday, September 14, 2009


I had a friend bring it to my attention that the pic here at the left is somewhat, well, makes my poor hubby's forehead appear tiny. I laughed out loud. Out loud I tell ya! I will have to change it, he does complain about this pic.

Thanks to my friend I began to think of my own forehead and being over 40, thought perhaps I should hide mine. So I am thinking bangs? Any input? I have a round face, so maybe not a bad idea.

Here is today's dose of "B.S.", 2 words:
Kanye West
Was he just upset he did not get enough face time on the show? Whatever the reasons he had, no one has the right to do that to another! Beyonce was such an awesome woman to let Taylor finish. That's what real class looks like! Real class!!

Ok, another recipe, and yes it does involve apple butter. It is so simple!
Apple Butter Tart
Simply make a crust, like you would for lemon bars in a greased 13x9 pan. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Take a 12 oz. jar of apple butter and spread on the hot crust, pop back into the oven 'til bubbly. Let cool. Serve with vanilla ice cream. WHOA!

One last thing, I will be adding pics all over the place once i figure out how!

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


Unknown said...

Hmmm, who knew my big sis could be so crafty with words? I always thought I was the smart, creative, crafty sister...I guess I can share in the glory :)

TNelson said...

Maybe I'm just sensitive to the forehead thing as mine seems to grow with every passing day. LOL. As we age, only the things we don't want get larger, and the things we liked about ourselves diminish. It must be Gods way of kicking us in the ass, telling us to focus on what's really important. Why do so many of us fight it? The more I think about it, the more I realize how vain and self centered we can be. Plastic surgery must offend God the same way it ticks us off if our children try to turn away when we have something very important to tell them.

I'm not a very religious person, but I am spiritual. Even I realize when a higher power is trying to tell me something. I guess I'll keep my tiny head. At least my ears are unobstructed that way.