Sunday, September 13, 2009

And so it begins...

I started this blog a while back and then went on hiatus. I am back.
Facebook is nice but I just can't really get all of the feeling out. Just little blurbs are not enough. I got a stuff to say and I hope you will throw back your opinions as well. This site will grow and and become something useful and exciting as long as you add your input. I have opinions as do all of you, so let's hear 'em people!!

Here we go:
I will let you in on a bit of a secret. I collect mantras. You know... the things we all say to ourselves when we are stressed out or need to take a moment just to breathe. You know what I'm talking about. A chant, a sentence to soothe A MANTRA! Oh and not just mantras but clever on liners or any philosophical dialogue. Love it!

One of my favs are "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger!" Yeah, that's a good one. Sometimes I feel like the universe is picking on me. I will stop for just a moment and think "What the Hell?" Yes, another mantra I suppose and forgive the strong word, but I do feel that intense burst of anger at times. There are strange things ahappenin', I suppose we must be tested otherwise how will we ever know how strong we truly are.

Here's to another week make it a good one and make a difference!


Meet the Elliott's said...

Have you considered apple pie filling....

TNelson said...

Good Luck with the Blog Mel!
You really need to take a different pic of Pete, that one makes his forehead look tiny! There must be a Mantra for that....

The Mom Tobler said...
